WARNING: Everything you're hearing about Virtual Selling is Dead Wrong...

Free Book Reveals Secret Presuppositional Virtual Selling System

That Closes Large FIA and IUL Cases VIRTUALLY
without complicated technology.

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Even an `Old Dog` can learn this
`New Trick` that has closed over

$50 Million in FIA and IUL Commissions

The Virtual Annuity Closer Reveals new Baby Boomer virtual buying behavior... and shows you how to close large IUL and FIA cases, without ever meeting face-to-face, using our proprietary method called Presuppositional Selling.

Virtual selling is the hot topic right now, in fact, learning how to sell virtually is not just a good idea, it’s a requirement if you want stay in business…

Coronavirus closed restaurants, shut down dinner seminars and scared people into staying home…

Our target market is the “HIGH RISK” category with a much higher likelihood of dying from Coronavirus.

So what do we do about it?

Wait around until things get back to normal?

When will prospects come back to your seminar, invite you into their home, or come to your office?

Can You Just Hope Things Get Better?

You may be saying to yourself, “I can just wait this out, things will get back to normal and I will go back to meeting my clients face to face, and doing seminars.”

That maybe true…

I don’t believe in the B.S. in the Fake News saying we’ll never get back to normal.

The question is WHEN?

When will baby boomers be comfortable going back to packed restaurants?

When will they be comfortable having strangers back in their homes?

It could be weeks, it could be months, and if the Coronavirus comes back in the fall, it could kill your seminars and appointments all over again.

Because of that reality, you have two choices.

1. Retire. (Forever…or for a while)
2. Learn to sell virtually.

If you have a “Walk-Away War Chest,” meaning you’ve got 5 million dollars producing passive income, then you are set. Walk away, no need to learn virtual selling or stress about your income dropping.

However, if you aren’t in that boat, your options may be limited. Of course you can still quit the business, and find another job. (Grocery stores are hiring.)

However, if that’s not what you want, the question is not ‘If you should learn how to sell virtually.’

It is “why not” take advantage
of this opportunity!?

Selling IUL and FIA’s virtually gives you the ability to take advantage of the Single Biggest Income Opportunity in the history of our business…

Right Now There Are 3
Unstoppable Macro Trends

First, after the Dotcom and Great Recession crashes of 2000 and 2008, FIA and IUL sales surged as high as 266%.

That means in the next 24 months as much as another $135 Billion in FIA sales could be coming into the market. (Source: Winkintel.com)

Indexed Universal Life Sales Surge
Post Great Recession

Second, combine this with the fact that consumers are now doing everything online via Zoom and screen sharing.

Third, almost every major insurance company has approved Virtual selling of IUL and FIAs.

The convergence of these three events at one time is creating a Phenomenon unlike anything else we’ve ever seen in our industry.

Unfortunately most advisors will have no idea how to take advantage of it.

They will miss out on the tens, even hundreds of billions of dollars flowing to safety.

Even top producers will struggle if they simply take face-to-face sales methods and convert them to virtual selling.

This opens up a window of opportunity to profit unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

But profits are only half the story to learning virtual selling.

The other half of the story is…

The Incredible Freedom And
Autonomy You Will Experience
With The Virtual Lifestyle

Think about what will be like to sell from your beach house, your cabin, the backyard next to the pool, or even on your boat at the marina!

We’ve had agents do it all.

You can scale up your income without more travel, without more time stuck in the car, and do 3 times more appointments everyday because you are more efficient with their time.

Beware of the Pretenders

Where do you get PROVEN EXPERTISE to
effectively sell annuities and IUL virtually?

Once Coronavirus hit, every FMO and Agency in the industry instantly turned into ‘virtual selling experts’ teaching complete nonsense that will kill your sales.

The Dirty Secret About Virtual Selling:
  • The industry won’t tell you this secret because they don’t even know it…
  • They think virtual selling is about the technology.
  • They think it’s about a digital webinar, or Zoom call.
  • IT’S NOT!

That’s right, when selling virtually, the least important part of the sale is the technology.

As soon as this lockdown happened, everyone and their dog, (people who never even thought about virtual selling) are now virtual selling experts.

No doubt you’ve gotten dozens of emails offering to tell you how to sell virtually. They teach…

  • 'Do your dinner seminar on a digital webinar.' WRONG.
  • 'Get a webcam and talk with your prospects on a video conference.' WRONG.
  • 'Show your PowerPoint presentation on a Zoom call.' WRONG.
  • 'Treat your virtual sale like a face to face sale.' WRONG.


During Coronavirus one of our FMO partners had their sales crashed by 50%. Why?

Because their agents don’t know how to get leads and close deals virtually! What advisors are doing is dead wrong, and it’s costing them sales they should be closing.

All these industry experts promising to teach you the way…have never even done it!

We’ve been selling IUL and
virtually for over 10 years.

I can promise you one thing…it’s not
the same as selling face to face.

We practically invented virtual
selling for IUL’s.

Over this decade of experience we’ve learned the significant differences between face-to-face and virtual selling. There are different challenges that virtual selling presents (obviously) and treating it the same as a regular sale is going to get you killed.

Take for example…

“The Kentucky Fried Chicken Problem”

The virtual sales environment is completely different than being face-to-face with a prospect. There are distractions everywhere. Cell phones, people walking into the meeting interrupting, checking email, surfing the internet, you name it.

During a face-to-face meeting it’s not polite for a prospect to ‘put you on mute’ and talk to their spouse, or respond to a text message.

But, virtually people are doing this to you all the time, and you may not even know it. One of our advisors was doing a ‘presentation’ (which we teach to NEVER do) and at the end he asked the prospect if he could see what was on the screen.

The prospect responded, “No I’m at home eating KFC. I left the office 20 minutes ago.”

You can keep your prospects engaged, excited about the concepts, and buying from YOU.

But you can’t do by taking your face-to-face sales method and transferring it to virtual selling.

“Comfort Zone Gravity”

How do you make sure your prospect doesn’t take your information and go right back to the people they already trust? Relationships they already have, because they’ve never met you? You can stop this from happening, not by force or coercion, but by getting your prospect to WANT to leave their comfort zone and buy from you.

“The Invisible Agent”

When your prospect looks you up online to learn more about you, what do they find? Are you invisible? In virtual selling you need to preempt this problem, and build trust and credibility so it doesn’t kill the sale.

There are many, many more nuances we’ve discovered to sell virtually; from assigning homework, to the post application close that will help ensure you don’t lose deals to the incumbent advisor, or a local agent, and make sure you get paid! (I can guarantee this will help you in your face-to-face selling as well.)

“Here I am in Puerto Vallarta doing appointments. I would have
never been able to do this before!” - Carlos B.

“This was an appointment I ran from the private marina in
Clearwater Beach Florida” - Paul T.

Can An Old Dog Learn New (Virtual Selling) Tricks?

Not if you don’t want to. But if you do, then there is hope.

  • We helped 84 year old Richard J. from Arkansas, make more money in his eighties than he ever made in his entire life… selling IUL and FIA virtually.

  • Dave B. has been in the business for 41 years. He’s a 72 year old producer from Colorado. He’s on track to make 7 figures…using our sales process…all just 12 and a half steps away from his fridge. (I’ve been to his house, he’s not lying! His office really is that close.)

  • Joshua S. has been in the business for 27 years, and his last 3 years have been his best ever, doing over 8 million in annuity sales, and several hundred in IUL target. Joshua gets leads in his local market, but still sells to them virtually, because he prefers it. He doesn’t even want to meet with the prospects!

Selling large IUL and Annuities can be done virtually, but for many advisors they simply don’t believe an ‘old dog’ can learn new tricks

That’s why our approach to virtual selling isn’t focused on technology, it’s simple and straightforward.

Why not learn how to sell virtually, and experience the liberation and autonomy and scalability that comes from being able to do business wherever you want?

Former Air Force Special Investigator Trades In His Suit And Tie For A
Lifestyle of Autonomy

My father-in-law is a retired Air Force OSI agent. After retiring he worked as a federal investigator and then became a producer who now does everything virtually.

He has kids and grandkids in Florida, Texas, and, of course, here in Salt Lake City where I live.

He and his wife love their 3 daughters and 13 grandkids (and they tolerate their 3 sons-in-law). They travel the country with Fred’s laptop and headset, so he can plug in and work from our home when he visits.

As you can imagine, this has totally changed his life.

When they come to stay in the guest wing of our lake house, Fred wakes up in the morning makes the grandkids breakfast (eggs and bread toasted on the stove with melted butter). Then he goes into the office for a couple meetings.

He comes out for lunch, visits with everyone, and he’ll take my truck and go to his favorite bookstore (they don’t have one in Georgia) or golfing with friends. He’ll then do a couple more appointments in the afternoon.

In the evening we’ll go to Café Rio (a local favorite Mexican restaurant) then come back and ‘Pa’ and ‘Grandma Alesa’ play Dominoes with the kids. (I hate Dominoes, so I let them play while I watch a game.)

“Pa” and “Grandma Alesa” are able to enjoy their grandkids in a way they WOULD NEVER be able to do otherwise.

These are precious moments

Moments their grandkids will remember forever.

Careers and marriages have taken their 3 daughters across the country, so they can’t see their grandkids on a weekly basis, but because of virtual autonomy, they get to create priceless memories with their family staying for weeks or even a month or two when they do visit.

So if selling virtually is not optional, but mandatory for you to hit your wealth goals, then the question is how do you learn it?

From an FMO, sales trainer or seminar company that started talking about it last month?

Or from the industry experts who pioneered it with a 10 year track record?

Not a hard choice…

Being success Selling annuities and IULs virtually is not as easy as converting your webinar slides to power points and doing a zoom call.

In fact if that’s what you are being coached to do…run the other way.

There is a completely unique psychology to virtual selling we’ve developed called Presuppositional Selling.

It’ll most likely be totally different than what you are used to, and you are going to love it! It makes selling fun. It takes the pressure off you, and puts it on the prospect.

It allows you to have a commanding control of the sales process so you never get used and abused by prospects.

This skill is so important to our community of producers, we wanted to get these secrets to you NOW. There is no time to waste. You need to know this information today!

That’s why we are giving away a FREE COPY of our book “Virtual Annuity Closer”

Just cover a nominal shipping cost of $4.95 and we’ll send the book for free.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover in this book.
  • 9 questioning scripts you can use starting right now to get your prospects to change their mind on buying an annuity or IUL.

  • The 3 Appointment virtual selling system: (See exactly how we do each appointment, how long each one is, and what we accomplish on each one.) PG. 110

  • 10 pages of role play scripting out the most difficult sales obstacles and objections that you can take and use immediately!

  • Why you should never use a PowerPoint presentation and what to do instead.

  • How to get your prospect to ‘fight for it.’ (Once you start doing this you’ll see your prospects selling themselves on your products, listing all the reasons why they like it and want it.)

  • How a 72 year old, 40 year industry veteran (who works 12 steps away from his fridge) transitioned from face to face selling to now closing $40,000 and $80,000 commissions virtually.

  • Why time in the car is your biggest cost, and how you can scale up your income significantly by eliminating it.

  • The Virtual Lifestyle: How you can get your appointments done in the morning, then head out early and play the back nine while all your friends are sitting on the freeway in rush hour traffic.

  • The 10 Principles of Virtual Selling that give you a simple and clear roadmap for success, regardless of your technology comfort level. PG. 21

“You can do it anywhere. I sell from my
beach house.”

  • Virtual Selling Simplified: Just use the phone and simple screen sharing app, not complicated technology.

  • What NEVER to do when selling virtually (This is a huge mistake being promoted by just about everyone in our industry about selling virtually that will cost you thousands.) PG. 72

  • How to ensure your prospects don’t get distracted by technology or interruptions. (HINT: It’s NOT asking them to turn off their cell phone and close their email.)

  • What to NEVER say when a prospect asks a question or brings up an objection. (The kneejerk reaction most agents have been doing for years is 100% wrong. Do this instead.)

  • Exactly what to tell yourself before every phone call so you totally eradicate neediness on a sales call. PG. 29

  • What to NEVER do when a prospect misses a virtual appointment. And what to do instead. PG. 29

  • How to avoid ‘no shows’ and prospects ‘going dark’ in between appointments.

  • The “Ex Wife” secret to getting your prospects to show up on appointments…that doesn’t even require you to speak with them! PG. 30

“Selling From The Florida Keys!”

  • How to set rock solid second appointments. (Get the actual script that ensures prospects will always show up for their next appointment.) PG. 39

  • Exactly what to send between appointments to help solidify the sale and keep your prospect looking forward to your next appointment.

  • Why the ‘crossover’ is the most powerful technique I’ve ever seen for getting your prospect to internally discover they need your product so you don’t have to ‘persuade’ them to do anything. PG. 38

  • The simple ‘mutual agreement’ process that disarms prospects defenses and allows them to open up and share information you need to help close the deal.

  • The secret I learned from the nations leading expert on influence and persuasion, Dr. Robert Cialdini when I had lunch with him in Arizona. (It’s all about how to create ‘buy in’ that leads to buying.) PG. 41

  • How to use the KFC 70/30 rule of virtual selling to ensure your prospect is 100% engaged in the conversation. PG. 32

  • The TRUTH about what holds the entire sale together, and how to use this ‘cable’ to get the prospect asking you how quickly they can buy. PG. 34

  • Are you a Bungler or Sleuth? The best way to use images and concepts on screen. (Bunglers put everything into a Powerpoint slide deck, the Sleuth will use the method I share on page 51 which is much more persuasive.)

  • The 4 steps of the decision matrix that are critical to closing the deal. (miss any one of these and you’re virtually guaranteed to have a very promising deal simply disappear into the air, never to be heard from again.) PG. 33

  • How to stop killing your own sales by ‘free-diving’ on product knowledge and what to do instead. Pg 51 (Veteran agents do this over and over again. Free diving creates more objections and you shoot yourself in the foot over and over again.)

  • A little known tool that saves you hours of work every week, and creates a strong bond of trust and respect with your prospect so they are excited to meet with you again. PG. 53

  • Exactly how to PREEMPTIVELY STRIKE the belief that a client needs to ‘hold on until the market comes back’ before buying from you. (If you aren’t actively preempting this, you are losing sales right now.)

“It was hard because I have a thick accent.
But now I sit in my shorts talking to Millionaires."

  • Where deals go to die! (How to ensure your deal doesn’t get body slammed by someone you didn’t see coming.)

  • The 6 step process to make your prospect overcome their own objections. PG. 57

  • How to use Presuppositions to help your prospect discover pains, problems, gains and desires they never even knew they had! PG. 34. (If you’ve ever had a qualified prospect who simply didn’t have the motivation or interest to move forward even though you knew they had a major problem, this strategy will change your world and solve that problem forever.)

  • The 6 step objection scripting of exactly what to say when a prospect says “I’ve heard Ken Fisher hates annuities.” And how to make them realize they actually want an annuity instead. PG. 61 (This one series of scripting is worth the entire price of admission.)

  • Why you should intentionally baffle and confuse your prospect momentarily by telling them the opposite of what they expect to hear. (When you do this selling becomes so much fun, you’ll find yourself muting the line and laughing.) PG. 78

  • The four types of motivation you need to be developing within your prospect. (Most agents focus on just one or two of these, missing the lions share of what really drives the decision.)

  • Procrastination Killer: Hate it when the perfect qualified prospect decides to put off taking action for weeks and months on end? Learn the scripting and Frame Control concepts to stop that from happening.

  • WARNING: Why you don’t want to start any type of sales interaction (virtual or face-to-face) without first building a belief chain. Here’s how to do it: PG. 119

  • And much more!

Cal H. taking a first appointment from the back porch
of his lake house in Georgia.

Jeff G. taking a first appointment at the base of Peak 8 in Brecken
ridge Colorado before hitting the slopes.

Our Virtual Selling Secrets Has Already Helped
Countless Producers Across The Country… The question is, Are you Next?

Send Me Your Address...

I’d like to rush a FREE copy of my
brand new Hardcopy book to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I’ll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we’ll send it anywhere in the country! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...

PLUS Just for getting a free copy of our
New Book “Virtual Annuity Closer”

I’m also going to include 3 HUGE bonuses to help
you in your Virtual Producer Transformation.

BONUS #1: 10 Step Virtual Selling Checklist

Video Training ($97 Value)

In this 39 minute video you’ll get the 10 steps that we’ve developed selling over 50 million in IUL and Annuity products virtually.

  • Learn EXACTLY what to say in the first 30 seconds, which enables you to start closing the deal from the very beginning so you never get told “I’m going to think it over.”

  • Hear live role-play examples of the Presupposition Questions and watch as prospects almost magically change their minds, and discover they have a problem or desire they NEVER EVEN THOUGHT of before.

  • The 4 M’s of the Decision Matrix: See how the sale is actually made using Motivation, Money, Moment and Multitude…not features, benefits, spreadsheets and illustrations.

  • Sell by creating vision with compelling concepts (not illustrations) and avoid losing deals to competitors because prospects take your illustrations to their incumbent advisor.

  • See the Powerful *CROSSOVER* step in action: Do the exact OPPOSITE of what most sales people do…so you never have to pressure your prospect to buy, but instead create massive desire for them to FIGHT for your solution.

BONUS #2: The 3 Critical Question Strategies

Video Training ($97 Value)

61 Minutes of expanded scripting and questioning strategies that show you how to…

  • Control the conversation so you NEVER do unpaid consulting, doing a bunch of work for free, educating your prospects, and then being left in the dust.

  • Subliminally help prospects formulate new opinions about your products and overcome their own past misconceptions and biases about annuities and IULs.

  • Keep the prospect talking, which means they are engaged, and not distracted looking at their cell phone while you present. (This engagement is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL during the virtual selling process. Otherwise they will be playing Candy Crush on their cell phones while you do all the talking. I promise you don’t want to miss this!)

BONUS #3: 11 Ways To Create


The greatest copywriter of his day, Gary Bencivenga, once said “Master Closers sell with Proof!”

Nothing could be more true, yet our industry is horrible at showing proof. We use 42 page guesses (illustrations that are guaranteed to be wrong the minute the policy goes into force) , some excel spreadsheets, or software program and a few articles to try and ‘prove’ our case.

No judge in his right mind would allow that in the court of law. Yet that’s what most advisors use.

What if you showed up like a prosecutor with a PROPONDERANCE of proof. With so much proof your prospect had no choice to believe. There was simply no denying the reality they were seeing!

That is what this short PDF report will reveal. There are 11 different ways you can amp up your case with proof so your prospects believe!

This PDF has only ever been revealed to members who pay as much as $10,000 per month for our marketing programs, and it’s yours FREE!

Oh, and in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

Know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn’t one of them.

There’s NO hidden “membership program” - and in case you’re wondering why I’m doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It’s my way of saying thank you to our industry that has been so good to me for the past 19 years.

  • Because (unlike other “guru’s”) I don’t make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses a marketing company that has generated over 300,000 annuity and IUL leads, an insurance agency, and more)... so because of that, it doesn’t hurt me to share with you my best stuff.​

  • I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.

  • I want to see agents transform their lives from the drudgery of Windshield Hell to the amazing autonomy and freedom of the virtual lifestyle. (The one I live every day, walking from my bedroom to my office, to the kitchen, to playing Memory games with my little 4 year old at lunch!)

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here’s why...

The Virtual Opportunity window is open now. You will be one of the VERY FEW advisors who know how to close large annuity and IUL cases virtually, but that won’t last forever.

So, as a marketing test we’re printing a few hundred copies to give to select advisors who want to transform into virtual selling experts. But, if this marketing test doesn’t work, we’ll pull the page down and move on.

So if this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My “If You Don’t Love It,
It’s Free” Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love this book, or I’ll return your $4.95 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

Hardcopy of Virtual Annuity Closer
($19.95 Value)

The 10 Step Virtual Selling Checklist
($97 Value)

The 3 Critical Question Strategies Video Training
($97 Value)

11 Ways To Create Indisputable Proof
($97 Value)

Total Value: $310.95 Get Your Copy Today For


Just cover Shipping and Handling For The Book

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They’re All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!

Brett and Ethan

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m mailing you a 128 page hardcopy book, “Virtual Annuity Closer – Close Annuities and IUL Virtually, Transform Your Life and Create your Dream Lifestyle”(that retails at $19.95) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $4.95 anywhere in the country.

There’s no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back).

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.

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Virtual Annuity Closer

Special One Time Offer:

AUDIOBOOK Plus 4 More Exclusive Products More


Special One Time Offer:

AUDIOBOOK + 4 More Exclusive Products

Click +ADD to include these in your order for just $27. (This offer is not available at ANY other time).

Audiobook: Upgrade and get immediate access to the audiobook (read by Brett Kitchen) for just one payment of $27

Free Linkedin Leads: Get appointments via LinkedIn WITHOUT buying ads.

Facebook Lead Guide: 4 simple steps to getting leads on Facebook (see pictures of our opt in box and landing page)

33 Virtual Selling Mistakes: Avoid these deal killing mistakes when selling virtually.

10 Principles of Virtual Selling: What we’ve learned selling over $50 Million in FIA and IUL Virtually.

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